

Why Social Media Comments Matter

These 45 powerful stats prove how social media comments impact brand reputation and revenue.

What is a comment?

A comment is a form of engagement in which a user replies to your social media post. They can include text, hashtags, @ mentions, and emojis.

Ask Buffer

Do I Have to Respond to Every Comment? The short answer is: Yes, because it can do wonders for building community on social media, and your followers expect it.

Social Media Comment Management [Essential Guide]

eclincher's guide to social media comment management. Learn the differences in managing comments and mentions, how to get started with your strategy, ...

Rebecca Solnit

5 天前 — Rebecca Solnit: How to Comment on Social Media. “The entire measure of someone's commitment is how much they post about their commitment.” By ...

What is a Comment? Social Media Marketing Definitions

Comments are messages posted by users in reaction to social media or blog posts. They can take the shape of feedback, questions, praise, ...

Your Guide To Social Media Comments

2023年11月7日 — Learn about the different types of social media comments and the best way to respond to them.

Using Social Media Comments to Your Brand's Advantage

2023年7月13日 — The best way to use social media for marketing is to post comments that elicit a positive emotional reaction, shares, or other comments. Whether ...

How can you write a social media comment that builds trust?

2023年9月8日 — Most important, stay true to who you are: write from YOUR experience or knowledge of the topic and in YOUR style. Be genuine in what you say.

Social Media Comment Management

Social media is a valuable tool for brands to engage with their customers. One effective method is through comments, which enable direct customer feedback.